Something Was Missing
Achim Huber
Something was missing
After my mom of 80 years old fell and broke her hip, and in constant pain and unable to walk… That’s when my healing ministry started. It was a journey that took me to many seminars in different states, reading many books and attending local church teachings on healing. I witnessed miraculous healing‘s from the healers of our day and with this knowledge I thought I was ready. I tried going out and praying for people including my mother but had very little success. Something was missing. Then friends of mine invited me to Darrell‘s class. Darrell also went to the streets and to the malls, allowing me to personally witness and participate in actual Healings. Darrell patiently showed me every step of the way, what to say and what to do, and he was there to guide and coach us. This was missing in my healing ministry. I had the faith to heal but lacked the confidence/experience to go up to people and pray/ command healing. Most of us have head knowledge but lack the confidence to go out and do it in Jesus name. Darrell has been an answer to my long awaited prayers, and as I go out with him each week to the malls and streets, I feel I am now ready to take what I learned through his class, his book, and his group on the streets…to my own church and continue the desire of my heart…walk in obedience to Jesus commands: heal those who are oppressed of the devil. Preach the Word to the lost. And let God demonstrate His amazing love to a lost and hurting world.