From the moment we encounter God, a personal transformation begins to occur where everyday moments can become incredible God stories. Whether you’re behind a pulpit, out shopping, or at your workplace, you’re going to be inspired that you, too, can make a difference and see God do great things.
Forward by Che Ahn
I think of the Scripture in Daniel where those who know their God will be strong and do exploits. Darrell had been a part of our HRock Church family since 2011 and serves faithfully on our ministry team. Darrell is one of those people who knows God, and as a result has seen and done exploits in the name of Jesus. In Darrell Benton’s new book Heal The Sick, he outlines keys to serving God with power and effectiveness. You’ll read how God reached Darrell as a hitchhiking-hippie and anointed him in business and ministry, specifically in the area of faith for miracles.
Through heartfelt stories, Darrell reveals practical steps to make everyday moments incredible God stories by stepping out in obedience. His unique and inspiring personal testimonies of healing and miracles will encourage you to believe and obey God and witness Him meet you in amazing ways. You, too, will experience the goodness of God and see Him do amazing things in and through you!
As you read Darrell’s story of personal transformation, you’ll find yourself relating to his steps of faith and obedience and be in awe of the amazing God we serve. God showed himself faithful to Darrell in his journey of faith, and I am confident He will do the same for you. When I think about Darrell’s story, I think of the apostle Peter, a natural leader who was not afraid to step out in bold faith for Christ. Like Peter, Darrell has lived his life by faith, not afraid to step out of the boat and follow Jesus on the waters of life. Darrell’s story will help you overcome fear and become a courageous follower of Christ. Darrell’s story proves that God really does use all things for our good and His glory.
From all sides of life — successes, failures, hardships, doubt, and redemption — see how God can weave all the different experiences of our lives into a beautiful tapestry of His grace and mercy. You’ll find yourself laughing, crying, and inspired as you relate to this man of faith’s story. Be encouraged as you read this book and let your faith grow in Christ for the miraculous!
My Sheep Hear My Voice: an excerpt from Darrell Benton’s New Book “Heal the Sick”
By Darrell Benton |
When I am out in public, I usually make it a point to ask the Holy Spirit for a word of knowledge for someone who needs healing in his or her body. Most of the time, I’ll hear the Holy Spirit’s voice clearly. The Holy Spirit will point out an individual to me that I…
Obey: an excerpt from Darrell Benton’s New Book “Heal the Sick”
By Darrell Benton |
Look again at 1 John, chapter 2 verse 5. Did you catch the part that says, “ the love of God perfected”? Wow, by merely being obedient to this beautiful and loving God of ours, we can have His incredible love being perfected in us. Please stop and meditate on that verse, you will feel…
Hidden Treasures From God: an excerpt from Darrell Benton’s New Book “Heal the Sick”
By Darrell Benton |
Let’s take a look at Proverbs 25:2, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” He doesn’t hide things from us but hides them for us, for our benefit. The more we obey and seek Him, the more He will reveal to…
You Are a New Creation: an excerpt from Darrell Benton’s New Book “Heal the Sick”
By Darrell Benton |
I recall while reading the Bible when I first gave my heart to Jesus in 2005, a lot of the scriptures didn’t make sense to me. For example 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, Therefore if any man be in Christ, “he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”…
Meditation Produces Revelation: an excerpt from Darrell Benton’s New Book “Heal the Sick”
By Darrell Benton |
God revealed to me that the most significant stumbling block to walking in the Supernatural is a failure to surrender to Him. When we ultimately give everything over to God, we gain our life and begin to walk in His power. God can’t get the best of us until our human will is dissolved. Many…
Spirit Led: an excerpt from Darrell Benton’s New Book “Heal the Sick”
By Darrell Benton |
Romans 8:5 says, “For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.” We will have a clear picture of what real Christian life looks like once we lose the fear of man and step out to follow the…