Alone Time Produces Relationship: an excerpt from Darrell Benton’s New Book “Heal the Sick”
In those quiet moments that we spend with the Holy Spirit, we learn how to hear His voice. Block your carnal mind and receive His wisdom and His desire for your life. Believe what the Bible says in John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” Satan will tell you that hearing from God is only for the “super sheep.” There are no super sheep. We are all made in His image and can hear from Him. He has given us a new spirit and heart. God wants you to hear from Him more than you want to. When we seek Him with all of our heart and soul, our love for Him increases, and that is what He truly wants.
As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, we learn to hear His small quiet voice. John 16:29 says, “His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.” He is speaking plainly to us now, but if I am expecting to hear a shout, a parable, or something else that’s even more dramatic, I will miss out on what the Holy Spirit is telling me. Without a doubt, He wants you to hear His voice. However, we have to go about it in the right way, scripturally. God has set-up both spiritual and physical laws, and there is no way around them. Meditate on the scriptures in this chapter and believe. When you get good at hearing from the Spirit, it changes how you minister to others.